Natural Lighting for Every Room in Your Home

Achieving a bright and vibrant home is something that every homeowner strives for. Imagine walking into a dark or dull room when it’s a beautiful day outside. Instead of letting the lack of light bring down your entire living space, simply add a boost daylight. We’re showing you how the power of natural lighting can improve every room in your home.


This space in your home is one of the most popular for family time and entertaining. Many would agree that lots of hours are spent in this area of your home day in and day out. That’s why our customers love to increase the natural light in their kitchens and dining rooms. With daylighting, not only will you be reducing the amount of electricity you use, but you enhance the beauty of this functional space.


Another popular location for your daylighting system is your bathroom. This area can easily be lit with only one daylighting system and has the option to utilize our integrated ventilation. This all-in-one system is ideal for keeping your washroom free of humidity while letting fresh daylight into the space.


Your hallway can be tricky in terms of lighting. Homeowners usually have cherished family photos or art lining each wall. However, most hallways don’t receive a ton of light. Adding daylighting to this area has greatly impacted people’s homes and brightened their spirits when actually being able to see their beloved photos each day they pass down the hall.

Come nighttime, many of us would like to be able to guide their way through this area without turning on any harsh or blaring light. This can sometimes be problematic when you end up stepping on your child’s toy or tripping over the dog. A simple solution is our Solar Nightlight. After being charged during the day, our integrated nightlight provides a soft glow to light your path after dark.

Laundry Rooms

A perfect place for a daylighting system is your laundry room. You can install our smallest standard model and still get enough light to get the job done. In addition, it cuts down that much more cost from your electricity bill while saving you the trouble of switching lights on and off.

Living Rooms

Many hours are spent in our living rooms. Whether it’s while entertaining, watching our favorite shows, spending quality family time, or simply enjoying the slower moments of each day, we all congregate here at some point. Lighting in this area can wear on your wallet after excessive use. Take a look at some homes that installed energy-saving natural daylighting in their living rooms.

There are so many ways to utilize the power of sunlight in your home. Although, some might wonder how you can control that sunlight if your desire is to kick back, turn the lights down, and watch a movie or take a mid-day nap. This is where our brand new Solatube Solar-Powered Daylight Dimmer comes in handy. Take the daylight in your home from vibrant to total darkness (and everywhere in between) with the simple press of a remote. Better yet, it is charged by – you guessed it – sunlight!

To take advantage of pure and natural daylight in your home, reach out to one of our professionals. They can help guide you to the right systems for your space and schedule a free in-home consultation. This way, our experts can get a hands-on feel for your home and your needs. Call one of our service locations below or contact us at [email protected] for more information.

San Diego County: 619-319-9426
Orange County: 714-835-8391
Los Angeles County: 323-886-2271